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Danaïs Slim

Smart towel rails


Ecodesign electric towel rails
straight rails, programmable, Danaïs Slim

Narrow width, optimised space, freeing space for your towels, performance and energy savings through Pack + with innovative features
Simple style, the shallow depth design reduces the space required for bathroom heating. Danaïs Slim has been designed with space efficiency in mind. The innovative design is both shallow and narrow meaning it can fit in the tightest of spaces. Despite it small size it is available in a range of heights and powers to ensure the right configuration for your needs.
Intuitive controls are digital and easy to use. The tilted interface and white backlit display ensure ergonomic use and perfect legibility of information.
Pack +: Gauge and power consumption indication, open window detection, 7 day and daily programme, setting temperature limitation, keypad lock, rental housing safety: PIN code lock.
The adjustable 60-minute boost mode, rapidly rises the heat of the bathroom and enables quick drying of clothes or wet towels.
The child anti-tamper is built into all Neomitis® heaters with control lock to prevent un-intentional changes in set point.
Danaïs Slim has an integrated 7 day and daily programme but is also remotely programmable by pilot wire, the right temperature at the right time, guaranteed savings.
In new build or renovation, Danaïs Slim is recommended for both private and rented accomodation thanks to the lockable features.

For more information, download our documentation

Lot 20 Ecodesign compliant

For years, a strong commitment for energy issues

From the outset, sustainable development is at the heart of our concerns. At each product design, we challenge ourselves, seeking to improve and optimize the energy efficiency of our heat emitters. The goal: to reduce the energy bill while preserving the comfort that the user is entitled to demand...

Innovation : Connectable to Internet !

Thanks to Myneo Link pilot wire version

Make all the devices of the past connectable to Internet and remotely-controllable ! Change standard products into connected devices

Thanks to the pilot wire version of Myneo Link, you can change the whole of heating appliances with 4 or 6-order pilot wire into connected products...

Control your comfort level with voice commands!

Thanks to MYNEOMITIS, all of our NEOMITIS devices - once connected, can now be controlled simply by voice commands. Talk to the vocal assistant to control your heating devices by voice or even ask questions about your installation. Don’t wait any longer, adopt the voice control feature to simplify your home comfort without lifting a finger!

Innovation: Pack +

Performance and energy savings

The Energy Saving Trust organisation (EST) recommends an adjustment of the setting temperature control down by 1°C to save up to 10% of your energy bill.

> Thanks to its automatic selector, the heater indicates the level of energy consumption by positioning itself in front of a color : red, orange or green...

Optional: infrared remote control

The comfort of the remote control

With an infrared receiver integrated into the control, the towel rails can be controlled by the infrared remote control.

The remote control allows you to change mode, increase temperature or start a temperature ’boost’ without having to reach for the controls.

Optional: 2 hangers

Towels and bathrobes pre-heated

 This set of s removable hangers allows you to easily hang both bathrobes and towels. Enjoy a warm and dry towel or bathrobe all the time 

 Quick and easy to install ...

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