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Policy of personal data protection

Neomitis commits to comply with the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by:

- Being transparent about the information collected: at the moment when your personal data is collected, information on the identity and contact details of the controller along with the purpose of processing your information accompanied by whether the data controller intends to transfer your personal data to a third party organization will be provided.

- Gathering your consent on the processing of your data: your consent will be traceable, specifying when and under what condition your consent was given. You will also have the option of withdrawing your consent.

- Guaranteeing the existence of a right to the portability of your data and your right for data retrieval: we offer a system that allows you to retrieve your personal information in a readable, structured and usable format.

1. Private life

We place great value on honesty and clarity with our customers in order to build strong and lasting relationships based on trust and mutual interest. In accordance with this philosophy, the protection of your personal data is important to us and we wish to inform you via the Privacy Policy how we collect and process your data.
We collect your name, mailing address, email address, connection data, and website navigation.

The mandatory or optional data is reported to you during collection. Some data is collected automatically as a result of your actions on the site.
We collect information that you provide in particular when:
 You are making a request for login credentials;
 You subscribe to our news (newsletters);
 Surfing and browsing actions on our website or our mobile applications.
The information collected is kept in a file for 3 years and is intended for the marketing and sales departments established at our head office in Pont-Evêque (France). This file is accessible only by management, employees of the marketing and the commercial departments within Neomitis.

2. Protection of your information

We have implemented several security measures to protect and maintain the confidentiality of your personal information. We use encryption based software to protect sensitive information transmitted online, on our connected devices and services, ensuring passwords are not decodable. Only our teams that need to do specific work (for example, customer service) have access to personally identifiable information at your request.

Computers and servers used to store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment.

3. Recipients of data

The collected data is exclusively for us. However data may be transmitted to subcontractors and partners to whom Néomitis use for services. Examples include sending emails, analyzing our databases and marketing services. These service providers have access to personal information needed to perform their services and are not allowed to use personal information for other purposes.

4. Use of your data

4.1 Customizing our services

Your data allow us to customize and improve:
 the services we offer you
 the information we send you
4.2 Information, email notifications and newsletters

By subscribing to our newsletters, you agree to receive email notifications containing information on the news of our products.
4.3 Audience Measurement

To better serve you, we measure statistics on visitor activity on our sites.

5. Your rights to the data protection and freedom

According to the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, you have a right of access, rectification, opposition, cancellation, processing limitation and transferability of your personal data:

- The right of access: you can request information about the data we process and a copy of it. You may also have access at any time to any data that you have voluntarily provided to us.

- The right of rectification: you can request the rectification of inaccurate data and, considering the purposes of the processing, the finalization of incomplete data. In addition, you may change any information you have voluntarily provided.

- Right of cancellation/opposition: you have the option to request the deletion of your data for legitimate reasons.

- The right of processing limitation: processing limitation of your data is possible, subject to compliance with legal requirements.

- The right to data transferability: if the legal requirements are met, you can receive the data you provide in a structured, up-to-date and machine-readable format and transmit this data to another responsible person or, as far as technically possible, to have them transmitted by Neomitis.
To exercise this right, you can send your request stating your name and email:
 By e-mail at dpo_uk@neomitis.com
 By mail to the following address: NEOMITIS LIMITED – 16 Great Queen Street – Covent Garden – London, WC2B 5AH – UNITED KINGDOM
 By phone: + 44 (0) 2071 250 236
 By fax: + 44 (0) 2071 250 267

Post and sending letters

Under current regulations, your letter must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity with your signature and specifying the address to which you must reach the answer. A response will then be sent within one months of receipt of the request.

Messaging and sending emails

Messages that you send via the Internet can be intercepted on the network. Their confidentiality cannot be fully guaranteed. Also, take care not to unnecessarily divulge personal or sensitive information in emails.
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