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Myneo Link

Relay version


Smart Wi-Fi Hub – Relay version – Myneo Link

Make all the devices of the past connectable to the Internet and remotely-controllable ! Change standard products into connected devices
Thanks to the relay version of Myneo Link, you can connect and remotely control products such as hot water tank, ventilation, lighting...
The new innovative features will help you to save energy, lower your heating and electricity bills and make your life easier. Directly connectable to the Internet through your internet provider box, without any other accessory, Myneo Link can be remotely-controlled by your smartphone, tablet or computer thanks to the MYNEOMITIS free app.
The occupancy detection will allow you to optimize the management of your existing heating for energy savings without losing comfort.
Myneo Link is recommended for both private and rented accommodation thanks to the occupancy detection and lockable features.




For more information, download our documentation

Innovation : MYNEOMITIS

The smart control of heating and connected home

Monitoring, management, control of comfort and budget in the home to participate actively in the fight against fuel poverty

Free app downloadable from Apple IOS and Android platforms
MYNEOMITIS is the smart control of your home, remotely manage your heating, guarantee your comfort, monitor your budget, understand and forecast for a perfect control.

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